Holy Crap, Iron Man 2 is on Netflix Canada!!

On March 26, 2011, in Movies, Technology, by ComputerAbuser

Lately I have noticed that Netflix has been pretty good about adding new, quality content to their Canadian site.  Especially when it comes to TV series.  This past month the following TV series’ have been added…..

Prison Break: The Complete Series

Roswell: The Complete Series

Firefly: The Complete Series

Angel: The Complete Series

Arrested Development: The Complete Series

Dollhouse: The Complete Series

All that is left to add is Buffy The Vampire Slayer and they will have the entire Joss Whedon collection.

Anyway, today I was shocked to see that Iron Man 2 was added.  This has to be a pretty major milestone.  Iron Man 2 was the third highest grossing film (domestically) last year.  This is by far the newest feature film by Paramount Home Entertainment released on Netflix Canada so far.  Hopefully this means we will see some more recent blockbuster films added in the near future.



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One Response to Holy Crap, Iron Man 2 is on Netflix Canada!!

  1. […] days after adding Iron Man 2 to their Canadian line-up, Netflix officially sends out a press release announcing their multi-year licensing agreement with […]

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