Google Play Music Upload Scan & Match still down

On August 15, 2017, in Random, Technology, by ComputerAbuser

Either Google no longer supports Scan & Match when uploading to Google Play music or it’s still broken and no one cares.  It’s been down since January after working great for years.

I just tried it again today for fun.  I uploaded 2 FLAC albums and 1 MP3.  Not a single match.

I had opened a ticket, but the support techs didn’t seem to understand what the problem was or confirm whether is was working.

Very unfortunate, but not all that surprising I guess.




4 Responses to Google Play Music Upload Scan & Match still down

  1. Jason says:

    Hi! I just wanted to let you know that you’re not the only one having this issue! I’ve noticed this too, that Scan & Match hasn’t been working for months.

    Like you, I’ve also opened a ticket, but even after explaining the problem about 20 times in easy-to-understand English, tech support still can’t understand what my problem is (they keep saying that my problem is that Google Music is matching the incorrect versions of tracks, and I keep correcting them and telling them that no, the PROBLEM is that Google Music isn’t matching anything whatsoever!)

    I’m still fighting for now, but I’m not sure if it’s going to do much good in the end. We’ll see, I guess.

    • Well thank goodness I’m not alone. I thought maybe I was the last one using the service since I couldn’t find another mention of the issue anywhere on the Internet.

      • Jason says:

        I take it you live in Canada, too? I’m thinking it might only be a problem with the Canadian Google Music.

        BTW, who did you deal with in tech support? It wouldn’t be some guy named ‘Jedd’ by any chance?

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