Thank You Steam

On October 18, 2012, in Games, Random, by ComputerAbuser

Hello Steam or Valve or whoever, I just wanted to say thank you.  I used to be a software pirate.  No, I didn’t actually crack and upload games, no I was too lazy for that.  I just downloaded already cracked games instead of buying them.  I did that for years I’m afraid.  Even games that you created like Half-Life and Portal I’m sad to say.  If it makes you feel any better, I own both of those games now.  Actually, I own the entire Half-Life collection, plus Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 and Portal 1 & 2.

It’s all thanks to Steam!

Honestly, though, I don’t just buy from you guys.  I sometimes buy from Gamefly and Amazon, but those games are often on Steam anyway, so we’re all good.  I really just buy from whoever is cheapest.  Come on, I may no longer download pirated software, but I’m still a cheapskate.  Hey, I’m just being honest.  If I couldn’t get my games from you guys at 75% off, I would probably still be downloading pirated games.  I think we can both agree that at least this way, somebody gets paid.  Amiright?

Anyway, thanks again.  You keep selling stuff crazy cheap and I’ll keep buying it.



ComputerAbuser – former obtainer of illegally copied stuffs

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